mercoledì 11 settembre 2013

Naukluft Mountains, Eight Day Loop (2)

Foto di Naukluft Campsite, Namib-Naukluft Park
Questa foto di Naukluft Campsite è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Be prepared to walk on some rugged riverbeds (which may cause blistering), along the tops of windy plateaus, and traverse steep, dried waterfalls, ravines, and kloofs (with the aid of heavy chains bolted into the sides of cliffs.
Chains are placed in four sections along the trail.
There is no way around this chains, so be absolutely sure you are up to the challenge.

Foto di Kobo Kobo Hills Mountain Camp, Namib-Naukluft Park
Questa foto di Kobo Kobo Hills Mountain Camp è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Conditions are generally hot and dry, and it is recommended you drink 4 liters of water a day.
Keep in mind water is only available at each night's shelters.
The Fifth night, the water source is not manual but rather solar powered.

Foto di Kobo Kobo Hills Mountain Camp, Namib-Naukluft Park
Questa foto di Kobo Kobo Hills Mountain Camp è offerta da TripAdvisor.!

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